“What does it mean then to ‘galvanize steel’? Galvanization is the process of applying a coating of zinc to prevent steel from prematurely rusting. But to galvanize is also ‘to shock and excite (someone) into action’. Galvanizing steel does both: it offers enough of a coating, enough of a protection to allow comfort to the viewer that doesn’t want to think about race and simply read the bodies on stage as individuals, not as representations of sociologically embedded meaning. But there is a playful taunt that haunts this reader: they did after all “just look the other way.” For those that dare to look at the horror underneath, this performance is an invitation to be shocked and stirred into action.

- Critic and Author Arush Pande

Galvanizing Steel

03.31.22 at 7:30pm

An evening of works by Francesca Dominguez


*Suggested Donation Link Here*


Thank you, friends, family, and fellow artists for taking the time to read about this creative project. As part of the completion of my Master’s thesis at Hunter College, I am producing, choreographing, and directing a live evening of dance. I am extremely honored to be working with each one of my generous collaborators, and we are thrilled to share what we have been developing this year. All of the work in the show is constructed through an industriously collaborative process with our talented creative team. The show will incorporate costumes by Taya Louisa, music composition by Macio Payomo, lighting by Burke Brown, photography by Rebecca Oviatt and Effy Grey, and choreography in collaboration with five incredible movement artists (see below for creative team credits).


The show will premiere at 7:30pm at Gibney: Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center 280 Broadway (entrance at 53A Chambers).
This event is a part of Gibney's POP: Open Rehearsals, a program supporting curated rental opportunities for the dance community.

This is a donation-based show, but be sure to reserve your seat in advance by following this link! Please consider contributing a suggested donation in conjunction with you ticket reservation here. And please be sure to complete your required vaccination status before arrival!


Creative Team.

Francesca Dominguez

Movement Artists/Collaborators
Jose Ozuna
Sophia Stefanoupolos
Oren Yari
Lynda Senisi
Aieyla Santaella

Costume Designer
Taya Louisa

Music Composition
Dalmacio Payomo
Francesca Dominguez

Rebecca Oviatt
Effy Grey

Niara Seña

Lighting Technician
Burke Brown

Visual Set Design
Sam Kallman


Help Support

Your donations make this production possible. Any amount will be gratefully received!

Click here to donate

Thank you to Hunter College Dance Department and Faculty for their tireless support throughout the development of this production

Thank you Gibney POP-Showing program for curating this evening of dance


We welcome you to share this QR code with friends and family to help promote the show!